Every community contains people in need who do not know where to access healthy food in their own community. During the Covid-19 period, youth developed a software application for collecting and entering data about locations to find/get healthy food in their community. You can see the "Where Is The Food?" Map by clicking on the link. You can zoom into the map to see where the identified places to access healthy food. We tend to encourage low-hanging fruit, like farmers' markets, food banks, and food pantries.
We need your help!
1) Identify a healthy food location in your community. (Name, address, phone #, month/days/hours open etc) 2) See the map to see if your food location is already on there. http://bit.ly/DashboardWhereIsTheFood 3) No?For more information, email, April Bowman, Extension Agent, Livestock, Forages, and 4-H Youth Development at awbowman@ncsu.edu or call 336-703-2855 or Dr. Monique Pearce-Brady, Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development at dmpearc3@ncsu.edu or call 336-703-2856.