Air Quality

Data Monitoring

The Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection is making data available from the county’s air monitoring network as a public service. These data represent the hourly data set from all of the sites within this network. Data from Triad sites outside of Forsyth County are collected by the North Carolina Division of Air Quality.


Disclaimer:The Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection posts this information using the first available data from our air quality monitoring network. No quality control review has been performed on this data, and the final results are subject to change after completion of standard quality assurance review and validation procedures.

Contact Us

Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection
Fifth Floor
Forsyth County Government Center
201 North Chestnut Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336 703 2440 Fax: 336 727 2777