Friends of the Malloy Jordan East Winston Heritage Center

Members of the Friends are dedicated patrons of the MJEWHC and to the goals of the original doctrine of the library formerly known as the East Winston Library. It was three doctors who donated the land to the community, on which the library still stands. The library stands on land donated by three prominent African American doctors, Dr.H.D. Malloy, his son Dr.H.R. Malloy and Dr. J.C. Jordan, who saw the need during segregation to have a library which served the Black community, and especially its youth.

The Friends group has donated back to school supplies for neighborhood children; assist in hosting the annual Kwanzaa and Martin Luther King, Jr. programs for children, and sponsor an ongoing book sale.

The Friends of the Malloy Jordan East Winston Heritage Center have a standing meeting time quarterly.

Contact information: The Friends of the Malloy Jordan East Winston Heritage Center
1110 East 7th Street
Winston Salem, NC 27101

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Contact Us

Malloy/Jordan East Winston Heritage Center

1110 East Seventh Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336 703 2950
Email: Contact Us

Hours of Operation
Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m
Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Holiday Closings
Wednesday, January 1 - New Year's Day
Monday, January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
Friday, April 18 - Good Friday
Monday, May 26 - Memorial Day
Friday, July 4 - Independence Day
Monday, September 1 - Labor Day
Tuesday, November 11 - Veteran's Day
Thursday, November 27 - Thanksgiving
Friday, November 28 - Thanksgiving
Wednesday, December 24 - Christmas
Thursday, December 25 - Christmas
Friday, December 26 - Christmas