The Forsyth County Public Library Board of Trustees was established in 1965 as an advisory board for the purpose of advising the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners on library matters and assisting the Forsyth County Public Library with policies relating to the provision of library service to the citizens of Forsyth County. The Library Board of Trustees acts as a liaison between the Library, local government and the community.
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The goals of the Library Board of Trustees are to promote and support library service, monitor and evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Library and plan for the Library’s future. The Library Trustee plays an important role in shaping the public image of the Library through their articulation of the Library’s mission, understanding the needs of the community and library capabilities, and fostering community involvement with the Library through contact with the Friends of the Library Groups, civic organizations and volunteer programs.
The Library Board of Trustees is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and is seven (7) in number. Six trustees serve three-year staggered terms, and the seventh is a member of the Board of County Commissioners and serves ex officio. Members of the Board of Trustees serve without compensation. Vacancies on the Board of Trustees are filled by the Board of County Commissioners for the unexpired term of the member creating the vacancy.
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The officers of the Library Board of Trustees consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary. The officers are elected at the regular Board meeting held in September, and serve for a term of three years. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees may appoint committees as deemed necessary.
First Name | Last Name | Position | Start Term | End Term |
Dominique | Walker | Open | 09/22/2022 | 07/31/2025 |
Donna | Staley | Open | 06/29/2023 | 06/30/2026 |
Gayle | Anderson | Open | 09/19/2024 | 09/30/2027 |
Gray | Wilson | County Commissioner (Ex-Officio) | 12/19/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
Katherine | Lambe | Open | 09/22/2022 | 07/31/2025 |
Mary | Cameron | Open | 09/19/2024 | 09/30/2027 |
Peggy | Leight | Open | 06/29/2023 | 06/30/2026 |
Yolanda F | Bolden | Staff Member |
The Library Board of Trustees meets five times a year for their regular meetings, either on the second or third Wednesday at 7:00 PM, during the months of September, November, January, March and May. The meetings are held in the Board Room at the Central Library or a place so designated by the Chairman of the Library Board of Trustees. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman, or upon the written request of four members of the Board, for the transaction of business stated in the request. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of four members of the Board.