• By Virginia Lopez
  • Posted Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Donation Station Program Impacts 540 Families

Food insecurity remains a significant problem in the United States. Over 42 million people yearly rely on food pantries to avoid hunger (Second Harvest of the Great Valley, 2021). While food pantries are crucial to their communities, they often struggle to provide participants with nutrient-rich foods like fresh produce. In North Carolina, the food insecurity rate is 10.9%, which equals 1.2 million people, including almost 400,000 children (NCDHHS). In Forsyth County, which has a population of over 389,000 residents, 16.6% are food insecure, including 22.2% who are children (Feed America, Interactive tool). These statistics emphasize the need for improved food access at the national, state, and county levels.

Virginia C. Lopez, the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent for N.C. Cooperative Extension, Forsyth County Center, collaborated with Una Bendicion Food Pantry and the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds Farmers Market (WSFFM) to introduce the NC State Donation Station Program during the spring and summer months of this year. The Donation Station Program aimed to collect donated produce from visitors at the WSFFM while also supporting local farmers. The donated produce was then picked up by the food pantry and distributed to its participants. This joint effort with the support of volunteers resulted in the successful collection of over 1050 pounds of fresh produce donated to Una Bendicion Food Pantry. The local farmers received the full price for their product, reinvesting an estimated $1,100 back into our local farmers' pocket that otherwise may have not sold if not for the donations purchased by visitors at the Farmer's Market. This initiative impacted 540 families, benefitting 2195 individuals including children, adults, and the elderly.

The success of this collaborative work among N.C Cooperative Extension, Una Bendicion Food Pantry, and Winston-Salem Fairgrounds Farmers Market, families received fresh, nutrient-dense foods that had a significant impact on their lives. Many expressed their gratitude for the nutritious food, highlighting its positive effects on their well-being. Additionally, this initiative provided vital support to local farmers and emphasized the importance of local foods in our communities. These outcomes demonstrate the positive impact of community partnerships in addressing food insecurity and highlight the community's dedication to supporting access to healthier foods for those in need. We look forward to next year when we hope to set up the Donation Station Program at two of our local Farmer's Markets in Forsyth County.

If you are interested in learning more about the Donation Station Program and how you can further its reach, please contact Virginia C. Lopez, FCS Agent, at Lopezv2@forsyth.cc or (336) 703-2867.

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