• By Celine Richard
  • Posted Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Applications Open: 2024 Forsyth County Urban Farm School

Forsyth County Urban Farm School is an intensive 12 week class for individuals motivated to start a business growing and selling produce.

This course is an opportunity for adult students to learn about creating and running a small market garden or urban farm. By planting, growing, harvesting and selling a season’s crop, students can expect to gain experience with practical methods of farming with an eye for economic empowerment to benefit their families and their community.

The course will take place in 24 sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays in March through June from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. plus a graduation date.

Read More and Apply at https://forsyth.ces.ncsu.edu/2023/01/applications-open-2023-forsyth-county-urban-farm-school/ .

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